Reference Library : Exeter
I think I was the first one in the
reference library
Killing an hour,
waiting for the guy with the crash helmet
To finish reading the
Telegraph and return it to the stand
To no avail, I settle for a trashy Red Top
As I sat, flicking
through column inches of crap, I observe
A dishevelled, woolly
fleeced man with uncombed thinning hair
That should have been
attended, to disguise a lumpy discoloured
Bit of cranium, looking
like a bunch of knuckles from some operation
Gone wrong
And, as I tried to play ‘Who are you, What
are you ?’
He opened a borrowed
newspaper with his dirty nails and proceeded
To read the Chinese
He didn’t look Chinese, or looked like the
kind of guy who owned
An Oriental Dragon restaurant.
inquisition speculated alternatives.
Was he a mercenary, a
missionary, a Mongol trading in jade and expensive
Then my hour passed, I returned the
newspaper and watched
The mystery man exit
and slowly walk towards the Rising Sun